Thursday, February 21, 2008

MMO Nostalgia

Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:03 pm Post subject: Anouncing! Finally! The Frozen Poets of Velious are coming!

"The Eternal Inspiration of the Frozen Wastes"

Ladies and gentalmen, I would just like to let you know that I've sent away the eMail to SOE concerning the creation of my guild- The Frozen Poets of Velious. Here's what it's all about-

Consider us a "Avant Garde Space Rock Guild." I will be the guild master, Uttama Razehl and Hate Plaugebringer will be my guild leaders. The only officer as of yet will be Cogline.

Why Frozen Poets of Velious? Well, when i was level 2 or 3 I was exploring the PoK- when i came across a interesting looking stone with "The Great Divide" printed on it. I will never forget my first trip to Velious- the first giant I ever saw, the Coldain Dwarves, the Velium clusters, the wurm cave, and of course that beautiful waterfall cascading down, shrowding the entrance to the Coldain city. And that was just one zone! I was instantly in love with the place. I knew that eventually, it would be my main base of opperations- I would always be found traversing the frozen wastes.

Why are we Frozen Poets? I have a certain facination with cold- and I happen to love winter far beyond any of the other seasons. Being a musician/poet, I wanted my guild to sort of run on the kind of "soul reflections" required by the arts. And so the dream of the Frozen Poets of Velious was born- to me and the drummer in my real-life band Uttama (who posts here as Monotone Rottweiler)

So what is an Avant Garde Space Rock guild all about?
1) Roleplaying isn't by any means required- but playing in character is encouraged.

2) This is a guild for those of an artistic mind. Artists, poets, and musicians will make up the large body of members. We are the one's who "Think Different." We want to be a guild unlike anything ever seen on Al'Kabor. We will have events such as expeditions deep into unexplored zones, many many fishing adventures, and photo essay competitions- with results posted on our website (still under-construction).

3) We will be a guild that caters to mostly the good of heart. Dark characters will have to be special considerations when trying to join the guild. Dark Elves are welcome (Hate being one and all). Iksar are also welcome (because of my personal apreciation for their heritage and their great works of stone). Trolls and Ogres, however, will be admitted only under my personal aproval (which will be hard for a Troll or Ogre to get ).

4) We will be a helpful guild- glad to help newbies on their way. This, of course, does not mean powerleveling. In fact, powerleveling is strickly forbidden within the guild.

5) The bottom line is, we want our members to feel as if they belong to something different, something important. It may sound pretentious, but that's the point. All art is pretentious by the nature of it being art- even EverQuest itself. So I hope the guild will be a place for people that would like to make an impact on the server.

Send me an eMail or in game tell if you're interested! We'll be looking for characters about lvl 15-25. I sent the eMail to sony today say it could be 1-5 days before i hear back.


Tech Honors said...

I'm getting a little choked up over here.

Gus Stathes said...

Looks like a mister Tech Honors doesn't know how to sign out of blogger...tsk.