Thursday, August 14, 2008

Soupy Chili

So it's been over a month since my last update. I tend to get a little bad at these things sometimes - especially after rolling with one for a while. A big obstacle between me and the bloggodrome is my new gainful employment at Skyline Chili. Where i used to toil away in front of a computer from 10-5 everyday (and find time for blogging in between), now I'm stuck with a headset on my head and 'approved gloves' on my hands. It's a good job though - and it was necessary to supplement my income after having my hours greatly cut at my computer desk job.

The new job brings new shifts and a shitty daily schedule for me. I'm working longer and getting paid less than ever before. Working nights again is a real drag - but perhaps it's for the best that I'm keeping busy. Weekends this summer have been filled with the wondrous glory of a hard-working rock band on the road. The Sailing has been getting out, playing places like Chicago and NYC, and feeling just a little bit better about ourselves (as we've made Dayton pretty sick of us over the last few years). It's full steam ahead with the band - and our sights are set on the west coast next.

And there's also the matter of the significant other - who's getting off work at 1:30am daily has created enough strain on the relationship to perhaps break it for good. I don't think it's very classy to go in depth about this stuff on a public blog, but it might be the true end of the road this time. Who knows.

Using my computer in my room is also not a lot of fun in these hot, sweaty days. The single window AC unit in my house is sort of a piece, and fails in making my room a comfortable place to work or play. This has driven me to playing FFXI on my ps3 almost exclusively. I'm in one of those awful 'grind spots' though - where I've reached lvl 50 with Red Mage, but now need to farm a copious amount of gil in order to get all my spells and gear up-to-snuff and ready for party leveling once again. Whenever I hit one of these tedious grind periods in an MMO it sometimes leads to a break - but I promised myself not to stop until RDM was 75, and so I'll carry on.

Another area that deserves immediate attention is The website hasn't been updated in ages, all the shows listed have already been played, tons of new music/videos need to be added to the media section, and a general overall news update is long past due. I intend to take care of all this as soon as humanly possible.

And so now I'm here, enjoying a slight respite from the daily trials and tribulations that tumble my quaint little universe. In one hour's time I'll be putting on my Skyline uniform and preparing for an evening of "Skyline Time Hospitality" and the stench of steamed buns, burning hotdogs, and soupy chili. I will tend to this blog more now - or at least I will attempt to. Until our next meeting.